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Cyber Breach Triage

A cyber breach can significantly impact an organisation and its customers and can take considerable time to recover. Below is a very high-level guide to how to minimise the impact in the early stages of a breach becoming known. 

If you have been compromised or suspect that you have been compromised, please contact us.

Our breach coaching service can help you respond.

Incident First Aid

A starter set of items to think about  to initiate harm reduction to your organisation.


  • Identify and engage SME’s

  • Confirm Source / Report

  • Establish Timeline / Journaling

  • Establish Legal Privilege

  • Have you engaged a suitably qualified 3rd party?

  • Each item requires differing skills and should only be confirmed with appropriate training and experience.

    • System Log Review

    • System Inspection

    • Malware Identification


  • Contain is the phase that stops the actor or malware from spreading throughout your organisation. This should be conducted by subject matter experts. 

    • Isolate the impacted systems​

      • End Point Detection and Response software can do this.​

      • Increase all anti-malware to the most aggressive settings

      • and isolate systems at a network level.

    • Turn off systems if they can not be contained via network isolation.

    • Use a firewall in a very constrictive manner

    • Iisolate the smallest footprint possible to ensure operations can continue.


  • The evaluation phase is the first time a holistic assessment is conducted on the event's scope, impact and scale. 

  • Key items to consider are;​
    • Indicative number of hosts impacted

    • Business services impacted

    • Exfiltration investigation (telemetry & system)

    • Indicative PII Impact assessment

    • Provide update and any associated Legal Advice to Board


  • Learning from the events leading up to the incident and the events that occurred during the response is a key opportunity for improving your organisation's resilience from cyber impacting events. 

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